ocr: E - TABLE OF - CONTENTS CHARTS ENTERTAINEENT Best groups.... 029 The Cheat Story..... 041 Best Coders.:.. 030 Dying Joung....: 042 Best raphicians.. 031 About Porno lovies.. 043 Best lusIÇIans.... 032 1 Poen... 044 Best Tracknos..... 033 Favourite Nanes.... - 045 Best One Part lenos.. - 034 lotor Cycle Brands.. 046 List of Voters.... 335 Country Initials... - 047 4 - Minutes Arter Midnight. 048 Best Plastic lodel Kits..... 049 ielancholy.... 050 USIC Jokes...... 051 What we do love & hate and why?.. .052 The Doors..... 036 Istanbul... 053 ietallica..... .037 Turkey, L The lagicland.... .054 De ...